The Good News

Many people think there are multiple paths to a relationship with God. However, the Bible offers us the only clear and true path to God. The Bible teaches us that we must:

Admit to God that we are sinful

Romans 3:23 declares “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”

In comparison to other people, you might be a good person. However, when we compare ourselves to the perfect holiness of Christ, we all fall short. That is a part of the Good News that Christ brings. Not a single person is perfect.

Believe in Christ and accept what He has done for you

Romans 6:23 teaches, “For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” While wages are earned, a gift is offered. Our sin deserves punishment. However, because of His love for you, Christ gave His life for you. He satisfied your punishment for you.

Romans 5:8 declares, “but God shows His love for us in that while we were sinners, Christ died for us.” That is real love. The sacrificial love of Christ shows your great value and His desire for you is to have eternal life.

Confess Jesus as your Lord and Savior

Romans 10:9 states, “If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.” Romans 10:13 goes on to say, “For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” 

The gift is free. But, it is not ours until we accept it. You must accept and apply the free gift of Christ’s love for you by trusting Him as your Savior and Lord. Savior means that He has saved you from the punishment of sin. Lord means that He is in control of your life.

If you would like Jesus to be Lord and Savior of your life simply pray something like this:

Dear Lord, I admit that I am a sinner. I believe you are the Son of God and that you died on the cross to take my punishment for my sins. I believe you were buried and raised from the dead three days later. I confess that I need you. I turn from my sin and ask you to forgive me. Come into my heart and save me now. In the name of Jesus, my Savior, I pray. Amen. 

If you have surrendered your life to Jesus Christ, let us know; we want to rejoice with you! Or, if you have any questions and would like to talk to a minister about what you have read on this page, simply call the church office (662-328-2924) or submit your contact information below. We will contact you at the earliest opportunity.

Our Promise to You: We promise to love you, to pray for you, to work hand in hand and side by side with you to bring glory to the Lord Jesus. 

We would love to hear from you!

If you have any questions, please contact us below or call 662.328.2924